Its a Lady Gaga kind of Humpday

Its a Lady Gaga kind of Humpday

51 degrees, perfect weather for am "dark" run.  Today Iwas especially excited because I found my running gloves. I thought I had missed placed them. Then I found one half of another pair. I swear sometimes I feel like a 6 year old kid that keeps losing clothing. When I found my gloves in my running jacket pocket I was just extra excited.

Originally, Iplanned on a long morning run then I remembered I had to get gas and meet with a student at 8:30am. It wasn't a long run but 5 miles got done! . As I was running I went to Constitution Beach. The water was so calm and the early morning sky was so beautiful.  Lady Gaga was playing in my ear and everything just felt, at that moment, so right and so good.

I thought, this is how Humpday should be every day.

Last am run before #20

Last am run before #20

Running Back at Sea Level: Urban Sociologist comes out

Running Back at Sea Level: Urban Sociologist comes out