July 20 Work in Progress

July 20 Work in Progress

Since today was a double workout day I was up by 4:30am. It was light out and 63 degrees...perfect. As I ran two miles along the beach I realized that the http://reverebeachpartnership.com/sand-sculpting-festival/

was going to start this weekend. As the sun started the rise all I saw were the mounds of sand. And I thought " What shape and form will these mounds form into?" Will they come out the way the artist plan? Just like us....works in progress and transformation. It's always hard and a struggle. In the end greatest does happen.

I'll be running along the beach this week to see the transformation.

July 21: Keeping it OP( Optimist Prime)

July 21: Keeping it OP( Optimist Prime)

July 19  Running back in the big small town

July 19 Running back in the big small town