Olympic Spirit and Out Running #10

Olympic Spirit and Out Running #10

The Olympic Summer games in Rio have started and I'm fired up. In honor of the games I extended my long Saturday run to run a couple extra miles.

Along the way around mile 10 some guy (wearing a #10 shirt) tapped me to say Hi and then he passed me. 1. I was annoyed that some strange man touched me. 2. I can't believe this man passed me! That can't happen.

So my competitive ass was going to show him.  To be honest I was slowing a down bit.  I was just enjoying the cool breeze and feeling my stride. Now, game on and I started to run a bit faster. I see you #10.

I was catching up to him. Then he was able to cross the street while the stop light was red. By the time I got to that point, the light was green and cars were coming. I had to stop. I still saw him. He was in my line of sight.

Of course I had to make up for lost time. When the light was yellow and the cars slowed down. I started back up on my #10 chase.

I was getting close. He went went into Breman Street Park.  I stayed on the street. Running parallel but still keeping my eye on him.

At one point we were pretty even. So I entered the park. Still staying on the far right side of the park. He was on the far left. In the middle of the park is green space and a playground. So the bike/walk path is on both sides and they connect together at a point. 

He was still in my sight. Then I kicked it up a notch to the point where he was behind me. As we ran parallel I could see him in my rear view. Because I can be a mean runner.  I purposefully crossed over to the left side of the path just to let him know I was ahead of him.

And he stayed there.

Maybe this was not very Olympic spirit of me. But it motivated me to get a gold medal....at least pick up my pace and have some fun. :)

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Keep Chomping Away

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