Start of September and the Fall Season

Start of September and the Fall Season

Start ofSeptember. Start of the Month. Start of School. Start of Football Season. Start of Fall Racing Season. It's the start

In honor the the 2016 Fall/September Start, I thought I would run by my local public library. It was very lovely in the early morning.

I am one of those people, who loves the library. When the school year starts my library visits, reading, and wondering through rows of books and comfy couches increases.

Now, the "pumpkin" season, Halloween candy seasonhas already started. To be honest, it started in August.  This is when you realize there are now 3 more months left in the year and its almost over.

Yet, its still a new start. A new seasonal start. Three months can go by very fast...and very cold especially where we are.

This season, I will be sending my student to the library to do research and to be aware of information before election day in November.  Here we go


The time is here. The time is now.

10 miles of change

10 miles of change

Last day of August Am Run

Last day of August Am Run