Diving into Monday

Diving into Monday

40 degrees this morning to start off Monday. This was an action pack busy weekend. Really Saturday was busy. I had a NEWER- New England Workshop on Ethnicity and Race meeting . It was wonderful to be around my colleagues, talk, and discuss topics around race and gender. Afterwards I drove over to the Boston Convention Center for Steppin Out, the Dimock Center’s fundraising event. Because we love the Dimock Center, BGR volunteered to support our community health partners. Saturday night was also the start of Daylight savings time. Sunday was church and work catch up.

Today was a 3.32 mile run for the first Monday in November. I loved that no one else was running so I could have the space all to myself. For the first time in a long while, my left knee didn’t hurt and I was able to pick up my pace a little bit.

Diving into Monday on a good note!

10k humpday and fall down day

10k humpday and fall down day

Soulful Run

Soulful Run