4 miles for a Monday

4 miles for a Monday

This weather is beyond crazy. Flooding in the middle of the country, heat waves down south, and a mixture of rain, fog, “ fall weather”, then spring weather in Massachusetts. The spring and fall season keeps going back and forth, back and forth. This morning, I wasn’t sure how to dress because the temperature read 61 degrees out. I took a chance and wore a light long sleeve running shirt and shorts. It turned out to be a winning combo!

Since I have a long meeting today I campus, I got up extra early to get a 5k in. As I ran, I saw the sun coming up and the colors of the sky. The air was still crisp from the rain from last night. I get annoyed as I run and take in the fresh air when I pass the people that are smoking and walking, or the folks( usually men) that walk pass me and I can smell the strong odor of their cologne. Those are just minor moments.

As I ran taking in the sun I realized that I was going to run 4 miles instead of three. I needed the extra mile because I started to run slowly this morning. Which tells me I need to work on stretching more. It was hard to get my body moving. We just keep moving forward

Track Tuesday

Track Tuesday

June: Halfway in 2019: Focus on the joys

June: Halfway in 2019: Focus on the joys