Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday

It feels like spring. 48 degrees before 6 a.m. Glad global warming doesn’t exist. Today is Track Tuesday but it is also Super Tuesday. My plan is to run and then run to the voting polls. This morning I did more running than normal, which is good because I have to get to my half marathon running. I ran 1.06 miles before track. We ran over four miles today. I know I at least did 5 miles. Running alone I was around a 10 mile pace. On the track with the paces I was running around a 9:30 mile pace. I’m still not sure why it took me 13/14 minutes to run a mile when I ran outside. I know what I am capable of. I’ll push myself this weekend.

Always fun to be with the ladies on team red. We pushed each other through. Afterwards I went to vote. I walked/ran to the polls for more leg work. 5 miles for Super Tuesday! Hooray!!!

Almost 5 miles

Almost 5 miles

Jurassic Start to the Month

Jurassic Start to the Month