Sunday with the headlight

Sunday with the headlight

Today is the first day of daylight savings time. We are springing ahead. I set the alarm for 5:45a.m, which is 4:45 a.m still to me. It’s dark out. I had to bring out the headlight. I haven’t done that in a long time. It was a nice 45 degrees out. I had to get the Sunday run in before church. Running two days back to back was not bad. Saturday was a 10k. The goal of today was 5 miles. I made sure to stretch, eat oatmeal and take vitamins.

It was a good run. For fun I wanted to model my headlight in different spots along the East Boston greenway. It felt good to be alone and good to run. I noticed that around mile four I started to feel leg tired. Again, I stopped, counted for 30 seconds and kept going. The goal of running a mile without stopping was satisfying .

5.11 miles 10:23min/mile pace completed in 52:59. I have a good baseline to work with. I’m so happy that I could run without much pain and I kept around a 10min- ish pace. Making progress

Boston Marathon  Youth Jamboree

Boston Marathon Youth Jamboree

First 10k  run of 2020!

First 10k run of 2020!