Unapologetically Black

Unapologetically Black

COIVD-19 “The Rona Era”

Another hot Saturday July morning. Friday, I took off as a rest day and wanting to get a lot of work done day. I didn’t have any zoom meetings and I could just focus on my work uninterrupted. As I was working away on my computer, the screen went blank. Odd. I tried to restart it, nothing. I unplugged all the attached monitors and started it, nothing. I did my best to stay calm but that was a hard sell. For 15 minutes, my screen was blank and nothing was working. Another 20 minutes went by nothing. I called my Computer Engineer boyfriend and he prepared me for the worst possibilities and offered some other options as he was diagnosing the situation over the phone.

Long and tightening of the chest story short, my AC Adapter died. I just need a new one. After all of those emotions I was done for the day.

Today, I needed to run and let all of that extra energy out since I didn’t run yesterday. I ran later this morning 7 a.m. and I knew it would be hot, so I just dealt with it.

This morning running adventure in Roxbury I saw a beautiful mural of a beautiful black girl, another one of the history and black pride of Roxbury, and third one that showed the threat and danger that black bodies causes in white spaces. The third display is right across from the City of Boston police department.

This Black woman runner stuck out her chest a little bit more on today’s 3.24 mile a.m. run

Smiles, bees, and planes on a Monday

Smiles, bees, and planes on a Monday

Outdoor Dinning.

Outdoor Dinning.