10k a.m. cold ass humpday morning

10k a.m. cold ass humpday morning

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

This feels like a winter morning. It’s 28 degrees out and the wind chill is no joke. I think this is the coldest day of the month. It is the day before Thanksgiving and the 5k Turkey Trot. I wanted to get a 10k in today. I got up and did my 7 minutes of stretching from my weight up before layering up. Yesterday I did not properly dress before running. Today I was not going to make the same mistake. I was layered up with gloves, hat, coat, thick winter running tights and a cold weather insular shirt. I was lock in tight.

I ran by the nice gentrified area by the water and the party boat. In my wisdom I decided to run up the hill past Maverick T stop and towards Chelsea. Once in Chelsea I ran through the Mary O Mallory park.

I was thinking about the trial of Amaud Arbery. Currently the jury is deliberating. One of the closing remarks the defense attorney made, to justify those three men killing him was that he had long and dirty toe nails. WTF? I too have long and dirty toe nails running this morning and no one felt threatened or pulled out a shot gun on my ass. Racism 101. Ugh.

This morning as I ran with my toe nails, it was cold and quiet. No stalkers but I saw the moon and the sunrise. I was chugging along when I had to stop because the Chelsea bridge was up.

That is the perfect analogy for running. You can be in a groove or rhythm and something happens beyond your control. What do you do? You recalculate and adjust and start back up. I was a bit stiff and cold and I think I ran slower after the pause for the bridge to come down but I kept on going.

Franklin Park 5k Turkey Trot

Franklin Park 5k Turkey Trot

Moonlit Track Tuesday

Moonlit Track Tuesday