Tuesday Track Snow Run

Tuesday Track Snow Run

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

The grown is covered in snow but it’s 30 degrees of warmth out. It’s too warm for the snow to cover the road, which is always a good sign. It’s warm enough that I don’t need so many extra layers. Snow, quiet, and calm. Not a chilly wind, not snow falling down, not slush, just a calm snow. I was excited to run in this weather.

This morning, I headed to towards the track for Track Tuesday a.m. workout. 5:45 a.m. I ran out of the house. When I got closer to East Boston Stadium, the snow still covered the pathway to the stadium. I could see tracks from bunnies or other animals had made their mark in the snow along with my shoe prints. When I made my way into the stadium, I had the pleasure of making shoe prints in the snow. Instead of counting going around the track for four laps, I could see how many times I went around from my shoe prints. I made sure to start a new shoe track, every time I finished one lap.

I could have kept running but I tried to stay in the 3 miles for today from the Hal H. marathon training plan. I ran 3.78 miles this morning. If I had ran 4 miles, it would not have hurt and I would be fine.

9 degrees and 5k

9 degrees and 5k

Monday a.m. run = moon and snow dusting

Monday a.m. run = moon and snow dusting