10k Friday

10k Friday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

It feels like it could be a hot girl summer morning. But I know it’s Fall. 55 degrees at 6a.m. and no layers of clothing needed! Yes. The rest of this week, the temperature will be in the high 60s. whoot- whoot. This morning I felt inspired to run to the beach. I ran along the East Boston greenway to Constitution Beach. It’s been a while since I ran this way. This part of the greenway goes behind the blue line T and there are amazing views of the airport.

As I ran, I made sure to run in well lit area. I was literally following the light and leaves as I ran. In the early morning, I all I saw were people going to work or getting off from work.

From my house to the beach it is 3 miles. I wasn’t planning on doing a 10k this morning but I wasn’t complaining or in a hurry. I felt good. I need to work on my stamina and I kept feeling my gut when I ran. I need to get my shit together and get some high knee action going on.

6.18 miles, 1 hour and 8 mins, 11:14 mile pace. Good to have a baseline to work from.

I was enjoying the morning, the beauty, the warmth, and just being aware of my body.

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Monday 68 degrees of Fall running

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