Voting, Fall Foliage Tuesday

Voting, Fall Foliage Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

The struggle is real. It’s only Tuesday and already it feels like it has been a long week. Monday started off good with strength training at the YMCA. Whoa Child! my period pain was kicking in hard yesterday. This morning, I still felt some craps. The goal miles today: 5k.

I overdressed this morning. It was cool but in the high 50s. Too many layers. Anyway, I ran through all the fall foliage. Brenman street park, East Boston Stadium, Greenway, and Piers Park. 6;22 a.m. is when I left the hour. Since we “ Fall Back” with the time, I can leave a bit later and there will be light.

After my run, I literally ran to the voting polls to vote this morning. I got miles in and my sticker.

3.04 miles, 33:18min, 10:56 pace. Not bad.

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