BAA 10k

BAA 10k

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

What the hell was I thinking? Signing up for a 10k on an extremely hot day in June? And it starts late, 8a.m.

This is what happens post finishing 50 states. I kind of don’t know what to do with myself. And I’m still processing running state 50. I had been back for a couple of days when my co-ambassador suggested that I run the BAA 10k. Usually that race sells out quickly. This year it didn’t. I thought, first race and it’s a 10k, which I do on a regular. That ‘s as far as my thinking went. I knew we had a good group for BGR going and I thought, why not.

Well, what happened was…….

The weather has been funny and today it was suppose to rain. The BAA had sent out a weather alert for rain and possible thunderstorms. Will the race be cancelled? Not sure.

When I arrived at the commons, the festivities had started. The booths, tents, stations, were all set up and ready. The commons were transformed into a racing festival. Of course I arrived at 6:30a.m. to find prime parking, which I did and get my bib without there being a long line.

Slowly, the commons started to get crowded. I ran into BMR and BGR folks from New York and Philadelphia. And course my running crews from the city. As it was getting later, it was getting warmer. The announcer mention that this race was sold out. 10,000 people were going to run this 10k at 8a.m. in 88 degree weather. Joyous- not.

I saw my BGR sole sistas and we socialized took our pictures and rubbed each other down with sunscreen because was getting hot.

With all the people, I think I started around 8:09a.m. Let me tell you, this was not a pretty race. It was straight urban, and running on asphalt in the city. We ran down Comm Ave by BU, where they had just repaved the road. New asphalt, sun beating down, no shade, and 10,000 all around.

I had to be smart. I wasn’t going for time. I wanted to stay hydrated and not pass out. I do love along the way, before the 3 mile turn around loop, that I saw many of my running friends. We were able to slap hands with each other as we passed by on opposite sides of the course.

When I got to mile 5 I told myself, keep on running, no stopping.

My time: 1:08: 59. My pace was 11:06

Start time: 8:21:28a.m

5k: 31:59- 10:18

8k: 53:20- 11:27

Finish time: 1:08:59 -12:36

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