Morning Moonlight: Thursday a.m. Bella Luna

Morning Moonlight: Thursday a.m. Bella Luna

My work week has been insane! With the racist graffiti found on my campus last Friday and this week of reactions, responses, conversations, and actions plans from students, faculty, administrators, it was been busy and emotional.

This morning my bed was fighting with me to not let me go. We fought for a longtime. In the end, I eventually won. Once my running gear was on and I went outside, I was surprised at the nice mild weather and how bright the moon was at 5:15am.

I continued running my planned 5 miles and the lovely moon kept following me. I run down a darkly light street but she was above my head to shine on her light as I hit the pavement.

Morning moonlight

Monday Sunflower recovery

Monday Sunflower recovery

Music of the Ocean Waves

Music of the Ocean Waves