Moon Chaser

Moon Chaser

23 degrees at 5:30 a.m. I don’t want to get up but I need to get up. I set my alarm for 4:30a.m. and I hit snooze 4 times. At 5:30 a.m I said F- it! I got up and laced up. This time of the season, the struggle is extra extra real. Dark, cold, and work is draining because we are near the end of the semester. I know that once I’m up and out it will be great. It’s just getting to that point.

I made a deal with myself. By the end of the week I’ll have 20 miles completed. I ran 10 miles on Monday. I’ll run three today and I’ll have 7 miles done by Saturday. #goals.

When I walked out the door the chill was real and , the moon was out and she looked lovely. This kicked off the running motivation. After .50 miles in I started to feel warm and I was following the moon. I didn’t need my headlight this morning. I followed the moon for 3.36 miles for a Thursday a.m. run

26 degree, Fall Beach  Run

26 degree, Fall Beach Run