Beach Run

Beach Run

I just turned 45 but do I think I’m 35?! LOL. The last 48 hours have been so so extra. Friday was the start of the Massachusetts Teachers Association Delegate Conference. I was there from 9-5. Then my #girlgang and I went out for my birthday celebration. Let’s just say we were all dancing Diva’s until 2am- Saturday. The Saturday back at the conference by 7am. I could barely function on 3 hours of sleep. By noon I had left so I can eat and go to bed. To add to all the fun my period started. I was all kinds of tired and crazy.

Sunday, to run or not to run. I was still tired and it was raining out. I had to get my ass up and run. I thought running towards Revere Beach would be something fun that I haven’t done in a while. I put on a hat and ran.

On my way to the beach there was a massive car accident and the road was blocked off. The sidewalk wasn’t. This allowed me to have the road to myself.

Around mile four I finally got my stride and the rain had stopped a bit. Just like the blocked off road, I had the beach to myself. It was my reward for getting up and running. I took some time to take in the ocean smells.

When I ran back home I had completed 8.35 miles, not the 10 miles I had planned on. I still won today. I got up, hit the pavement and ran. #winning

2 miler for Monday

2 miler for Monday

May First Friday

May First Friday