

The last Track Tuesday was January 7th. When I did it I had sharp pain in my left knee. The day after the workout I made an appointment to see my doctor because I needed an MRI, a shot, or something because PT was not working. Since Jan. 7th, I’ve rested and haven’t run. I’ve started seeing an acupuncturist and going to the Cal-Zone for conditioning club.

Today was a FABULOUS day because I ran with team red and the pain wasn’t sharp. I listen to my body and went slow. I was mindful to stop or slow down when things didn’t feel right. I did. I brought some aleve just in case the pain would be too great. Well, I didn’t need it.

The beauty of day was seeing old and new faces, socializing, and being in a positive and supportive environment. This is what I missed. Today was great. Now as I type this, two hours later, I’m not in pain and I can bend my knee.

When ran 2.50 miles today and I did it! Today felt a lot different than Sunday when I ran/walked a 5k. Perhaps the difference is I calmed myself down and didn’t start off too fast.


Treadmill workout- baseline

Treadmill workout- baseline

Super Sunday- First Run of February

Super Sunday- First Run of February