Monday Mix-up

Monday Mix-up

COVID-19 ‘ Rona” era

After a long run, I should rest. Resting is something that should happen after a long run. Since this was the first time doing 10 miles, my body was feeling it. And going for a long walk after running those miles didn’t help the cause. This morning my body was like no running. I totally agreed expect we are in the Rona era right now.

I don’t know if we will have to shelter in place and be on a serious tight lockdown. While I still can, I want to be outside everyday. Since running wasn’t an option, I went for a 2 mile power walk. Still moving and grooving my body and keeping to a daily routine.

It was a lot warmer out than I thought it would be. It' was 37 degrees and we are suppose to get rain and snow later on this evening. I did my walk, listen to music, and kept my own pace.

When I came home I iced my knee and did all the knee strengthening exercises. :)

This is the first morning after our “ spring break”, there is a lot of work to be done. The students get an extra week of spring break. I knew I had to get outside before checking emails and trying to convert all my classes online.

NO Track Tuesday but 5. 02 miles on the Street

NO Track Tuesday but 5. 02 miles on the Street

10 MILER!!!!!

10 MILER!!!!!