NO Track Tuesday but 5. 02 miles on the Street

NO Track Tuesday but 5. 02 miles on the Street

COVID-19 Era ..”The Rona”

Yesterday it snowed. That’s spring in Boston. Usually the end of March and April there will be snow. Since I live in the city and close to the water it was too warm for it to stick last night. This morning it was 37 degrees going up to mid-50s by the afternoon. I wasn’t sure how it would be running this morning. Too slick or too cold. It was neither of those things.

The headlight and I went out for a 5. 02 mile run. I had a fuel for thought: I’ve been physical distancing myself and owning the streets and the city since 2013. As long as it is above 10 degrees I’ll be out in the streets.

This morning I didn’t see any runners out just a couple of people walking their dogs. The streets were really all mine. It was a nice warm spring wintry morning for a.m run.

Did miss being at the Reggie with the Heartbreakers and our Tuesday Track runs. Hopefully I will be with them in a couple of weeks

Last 10k a.m. humpday run of March

Last 10k a.m. humpday run of March

Monday Mix-up

Monday Mix-up