Start of Birthday Month plus two week celebration

Start of Birthday Month plus two week celebration

COVID-19 ‘The Rona Era

March is done and today is the first day of April. Ha! April Fool’s day. Not a good time to play a joke on someone but a good laugh is much needed. It’s the first day of birthday month plus two week celebration and it’s a 10k a.m. humpday day. Of course I was running. It has been a while since I ran along the Charles River. I drove to MIT at 6 a.m. for my 6 miles. People ran but the bikers were out. One guy smiled to me while he road but the other bikers were not having it. I thought in a pandemic people can still be assholes.

A bright surprise was running past one of the heartbreaker runners. I don’t know her name but I see her at TrackTuesdays. Awww, the memories. She gave me a big smile when she passed but I wasn’t sure if she knew who I was .

If today wasn’t abnormal, I would have run much earlier before getting on a flight to Jacksonville, Florida for a conference to present a paper. That did not happen.

What did happen was running by a couple of homeless men. One had a tent, the other was on a bench. These men are so vulnerable right now and I wondered how they manage their day? How do they manage the abnormal of the day now.

I kept running, running with the geese and in nature. Running into the snow flurries in April, in spring.

Meanwhile my legs kept running. The pace and strike were pretty good. 6.15 miles in 1 hour and 1 minute. That works, on the nature, art, science, and spring 1st run of April

Running before the Rain

Running before the Rain

Last day of March Madness

Last day of March Madness