Sunday is purple and sunny

Sunday is purple and sunny

COVID-19 “The Rona Era”

The beauty of this morning was the lack of seeing people at 5:30 a.m and the sun being out in her glory. After yesterday’s seeing tons of people out by 6a.m., my fingers were crossed to not see anyone running this early. To be delight, hardly anyone in sight. I parked on the Cambridge, MIT side of the Charles River to run 8 miles. That was the plan. The only person I saw was a guy doing a photo shoot of himself along the river.

The weather was great, my pace and stride were good even with my knee pain. While running my left knee, the Hoffa Fat Pad knee wasn’t feeling strong. It ached. My plan of running 8 miles, then 7 miles, translated to 6.37 miles. I soaked in the purple in the flowers I passed, ignored the geese that do not social distance, and was reminded to stay vigilant during this time of crisis. All while the sun shined in my face.

Sweaty and Annoyed 10k a.m. humpday

Sweaty and Annoyed 10k a.m. humpday

Saturday City Space

Saturday City Space