7 miler Friday a.m. : Run before Radiate.

7 miler Friday a.m. : Run before Radiate.

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Yesterday, Thursday, I rested. Being on my period and twelve sessions of radiation is taking a toll. I knew this was coming. I did a lot of napping, resting, and not much of anything yesterday. And of course, it rained because it’s a rainy July.

Today, is the last Friday of the month. I wanted to test and push myself a bit. Last Friday I ran six miles. I wanted to see if I can run a bit further than last time. Also gauge my groin annoyance. This morning I ran along the Charles because I knew that would be seven miles. I hadn’t run along the Charles in a long time.

My plan was to start running at 5:30a.m. I started at 5:45 a.m. instead. Everyone was running and riding their bikes on my running route. I was taking today one mile at a time.Oh how I missed seeing the city views along the river as I ran. It was good to go by the Museum of Science, MIT, seeing the boats, rowers, and of course the stalkers. There was a morning news crew filming along the river too.

Around mile four I got tired. I did bring some energy jelly beans just in case this would happen. I’m glad I did. I popped one and walked a bit before picking up running again. Besides myself I saw three other black folks running and walking. Two women and two men. There were five of us out of 25 to 30 people that I saw, if not more.

I kept going. I did start to feel a bit of an annoyance around my groin. I walked for a bit before continuing to run again. Overall,today was a good day to run. Not too hot and there was still a breeze as the sun started to come up.

When I reached my 10k, I knew one more mile and I could do it. I still felt good. I would have tried for more than 7 miles but when I hit this marker it was 7 a.m. And I had to go home to shower and change and go to radiation.

This was a good run. Though when I stopped I felt it all around my groin area. Next week I have a PT appointment. This issue has not gone away. I’m hoping it will soon.

Otherwise, I’m making progress towards double digits and hitting the 10 mile marker.

7.01 miles Friday a.m. miles

1:12:49; 10:23 ave pace

Mile 1: 10:42

Mile 2: 10:20

Mile 3: 10:13

Mile 4: 10:12

Mile 5: 10:34

Mile 6: 10:28

Mile 7: 10:15

I went home and did the change thing and made it to my radiation parking lot by 8:10 a.m. Yeah, me that was good.

Today, it seemed quiet and my 90s music part II was Beastie Boys ‘s Intergalactic. Noel my DJ was not there and Julia, tried to get it going as best she could. I could barely hear the music. Luckily, today went quickly.

When I left I did see a new person. An older African American woman who smiled at me when I saw her. I returned the smile. I’ll have to chat with her. Friday the #13 session complete.

Last run of July 2021

Last run of July 2021

Mural Art, miles, stalkers, before #11 radiation

Mural Art, miles, stalkers, before #11 radiation