Marathon Monday

Marathon Monday

 COVID-19, aka The RONA Era

Today is Monday, the third Monday of April. In Massachusetts that means Patriot’s Day, a state holiday and Boston Marathon day. This year that is not happening. Today would have not only been Boston  Marathon Monday but also 4.20 weed day.

Of course I ran 4.20 miles for the day. I wanted to run those miles along the Boston Marathon route to the finish line. The mayor made very strong statements telling people not to do it. No running the Boston Marathon route today. In my head if I run downtown that would be close enough.

I parked in the south end and made my way towards downtown crossing and Boston commons. Downtown was so  quietly eerie. More than the new “ normal” lock down. It was weird not to see people, runners, police, fans, advertisers.

I thought about this same time last year. I had just finished running the Paris Marathon and I was in Reims valley, touring, and drinking champagne when Notre Dame caught on fire.  Today is also the one year anniversary of that. I didn’t hear or see anything on the news about the fire.

While running, I did see two more people running. We smiled at each other in passing.

 I’ve learned that I like to run down one way streets because I can always see the cars coming my way and not worry about cars coming up behind me. 

The day ended with 4.27 miles for 4.20

Earth Day..10k a.m. humpday

Earth Day..10k a.m. humpday

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10 Mile Sunday Suprises