Wonder Woman Monday

Wonder Woman Monday

COVID-19; The “Rona” Era

Graduation weekend, happened. It was fun to see and celebrate the students who did the “drive-by” graduation. I celebrated the weekend by not doing any work. I needed to rest and build up my strength for all the joys and surprises of this week.

Today, it’s cloudy and I can feel the rain coming in my knees. I didn’t want to do too much running this morning. I still had to get moving and my blood going. My easy 2.64 miles this morning involved light layers for a 57 degree run.

While running I passed one of “the little free library”. I’ve passed by some that were locked because of the Rona. This was was wide open and Wonder Woman stood out to me. I felt empowered when I saw this. Then I saw the creeper. Someone decided to leave their Halloween decorations out. Or maybe a skeleton was not for Halloween but an everyday normal? I have questions.

As I continued my run, the theme of people out jogging and walking in the early morning continued. Tis the season and I know I can’t do anything about that. Beside I was engaging in my wonder woman powers as I ran with my mask and a good stride, so there.

Making Monday work for me.

Sun and feminine energy

Sun and feminine energy

10k Beach Sunday

10k Beach Sunday