Foggy beach happy

Foggy beach happy

COVID-19 “The Rona Era”

The first Monday of summer 2020. Today I’m beyond the moon happy that it is cool and foggy out. Such a difference from Sunday’s 90 degrees of sweaty, hot, and humid air. Today it was 68 degrees of coolness. This would be perfect for a beach run, and it was. Along Revere Beach it was cooler with extra fog. I started running on the beach around 5:45a.m. and I saw a fitness class doing a workout on the beach. There much have been at least 20 women if not more running in the sand and doing some kind of squats. No one of women had on mask and they were not six feet away. I noticed driving to the beach, the orange barrels that prevented people from parking on the beach were gone. I had my mask on and kept on running.

For safety and to mix things up, I ran on the beach not the sidewalk. There was a low tide, no people, hard sand, fog, and seagulls. I felt like I was in a movie, while running. I saw some shadows in the distance but I wasn’t sure if they were people, seagulls or something else.

The hard and evenness of the sand made it easier for me to run, as I work on the fluid in my knee. 4.06 miles of a Monday beach run worked well for me.

Tuesday run mashup

Tuesday run mashup

First Summer run of 2020

First Summer run of 2020