Saturday " Still Summer" Beach Running

Saturday " Still Summer" Beach Running

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Well I haven’t run since Tuesday. It’s been three days and I feel rusty and out of sorts. I did go to strength training class on Friday, at least I kept my body moving but it wasn’t running. If I’m going to be a Pacer and start training for the BAA half marathon and Boston 10k for women, I need to get back on my running regiment.

Today, Saturday, I’m going to get my butt back in gear. It feels like fall instead of summer today. 63 cool degrees out. It might as well be a beach run.

By 6 a.m. I made it to Revere Beach. Something was going on. There were groups of boys and girls, talking, smoking, and drinking. Either they stayed on the beach overnight. Or they got their early for the sunrise. Not sure.

I got put in my ear bubs and started to run. At 6 a.m. today the beach was active. I wasn’t sure if I should run a 10k or 5k. I split the difference and ran 4 miles. 2 miles on the pavement by the sidewalk and 2 miles on the beach.

2.02 miles - 23:09 time at 11:28 pace. And then 2.03 miles-21:41 time at 10:40pace. This was a good start to get back on track.

It was a good Saturday morning run.

Monday Pond Running

Monday Pond Running

Very very very very wet Track Tuesday

Very very very very wet Track Tuesday