Around the Pond I go

Around the Pond I go

COVID-19 “The Rona Era”

Sunday should be a long run day. Sunday was not a long run day. Sunday was, I’m tired, I should run, I’ll round around Horn’s Pond and that will be good. Horn’s Pond is a nice area in the town of Woburn, Massachusetts. This was going to be my nature run. I wasn’t sure how big the pond was but I thought it would be at least a 5k or 4 or 5 miles.

It was a cool Sunday morning at 6 a.m. and so many people were walking, running, and socializing with their friends around the pond. I started to run with my Black Girls Run hat around the pond. The three black people I ran into, said Hi with a big smile and comforting voices. One, white male runner, saw me and did a nod running bow when he passed me. I’m still not sure what that was about.

Running around the pond I saw people just sitting on benches and taking in beauty of the pond. Others were smoking the legal weed chillin with their dogs. Sunday bliss, I gather.

When I completed my pond run, instead of it being a 5k or more because it looks so wide, it was 1.90 miles around. Ha! That’s good for me. And that was a wrap.

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