I got in a K

I got in a K

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

The last 10k a.m. humpday of July. I’m thankful that it is cool outside and we have a break in the heat wave. This would have been prime time to get up at 5 a.m. for the 10k a.m. run. I was just tired. I was up but I was in no hurry to get laced up and run. No excuses just reality, my period is here. She makes me extra tired and slow-ish. By the time I did get ready and lace up it was 6 a.m. Instead of walking out of my door to run because I could have a 10k finished in an hour. I remembered I needed to go to the store. In my wisdom, I drove to the supermarket parking lot. Parked my car and ran from there. By the time I started running it was 6:20 a.m.

I was running and feeling my stride. It was cool and there was hardly anybody around. I was enjoying myself until I saw the stalker geese. My plan for a 10k a.m. run was turned into a 5k a.m. because I didn’t want be out running past 7. 30 a.m. I’m glad I got a K in.

7/31 = 7.31 miles

7/31 = 7.31 miles

Making all kinds of  faces for Track  Tuesday

Making all kinds of faces for Track Tuesday