Monday Slay

Monday Slay

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I just realized that this is the last Monday of January. Seriously? The new year just got started. How is it almost February? In the last 25 days so much has happened. There was a historic inauguration, 400,000 people in the US have died from COVID-19, Larry King and Hank Aaron passed away, MLK Jr. celebrations and convocations, Spring semester has been delayed for COVID-19 testing, and the roll out of the COVID vaccination.

Since I have to be on campus early this morning, I decided to walk along the beach, close to campus before going in. The thought of running, bringing a change of clothes, and then working was too much. It’s ok to do different things for my body as long as I am moving. I walked 1.23 miles along King’s Beach which is apart of Lynn Shore Reservation. It was 19 freaking degrees out. This was a reminder that it is still winter.

I saw the sun come up, the stalkers swimming in the water, and I had a chance to breathe and think. Bring on Monday

Proceeding with Caution for Track Tuesday

Proceeding with Caution for Track Tuesday

Saturday Marsh Run Through

Saturday Marsh Run Through