Rainy, Rainy, oh and Rainy

Rainy, Rainy, oh and Rainy

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

Today is the first Monday and first full week of December. I can’t believe that Thanksgiving was a week and a half ago. The year’s end is flying fast. Today, it’s a warm 47 degrees out. Mondays are Mystic River Reservation Mondays. I knew I had to be up and get out early to avoid the Monday 6a.m. traffic. Which to me is still crazy.

I got up, did my stretches, made the Iowan his coffee, and I was out the door by 5:50a.m. Driving to Assembly Row on I-93 south, traffic was steady but it kept moving. I was able to park and start running at 6:05a.m.

This was a Monday morning run of errors. I forgot my headlight because it’s still dark out. My earbuds died on me, so I had no music. I couldn’t find headbead or ballcap to wear. Monday of Madness.

I decided to run close by Assembly row were it was well lit. I didn’t run my normal Monday 5 miler. As I ran, it was a light sprinkle, no problem. Then the rain came down super hard. I hate running in the rain. I had to keep going, without music.

The rain got light then heavy again. I said screw this. I’m going for a 5k then I’m done. I do not want to catch a cold. What made me happy was seeing the pretty and festive lights around Assembly row.

I even found some cool graffiti around under the bridge which leads into east Somerville.

Not expecting the wet surprise but I still put in some miles. …..check!

Everyone is out for Track Tuesday

Everyone is out for Track Tuesday

Windy AF

Windy AF