Everyone is out for Track Tuesday

Everyone is out for Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Yesterday was rainy. It rain all throughout the day and night. There is something relaxing about the rain when it comes to sleep. I had a very good sleep last night. This morning, the struggle to get out of bed was real. I knew I had to get up. I had to remind myself that I was not in a hurry. I could slowly ease into the morning. I was out the door by 6:30a.m. which is late for me, extremely early to others. I took the time to get up and stretch before the left the house.

To my surprise it wasn’t as cold as the weather report on the news had mention. It was a good, crisp, fresh air smelling morning. I ran to the track with ease. I did my loops around the track when the track team was out as well. Normally, I would be leaving as they are arriving. The track was busy with a lot of us running loops.

I finished my loops, did some stadium steps and walked/ran back home. For someone that struggled to get up this morning, I felt good, energized, and ready for the day.

Santa and a 7 miler

Santa and a 7 miler

Rainy, Rainy, oh and Rainy

Rainy, Rainy, oh and Rainy