4 miler Friday

4 miler Friday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Today is a wonderful Friday! The four days of heatwave is gone, for now. This morning it was 60 degrees, cool and breezy. I was so excited. It wasn’t hot or bright nor was I surrounded by lots of people . This would be perfect running weather, if I could run. Alas, I cannot. Today is week 3 of walking post reconstruction surgery.

I’m moving better and feeling better since the doctor poked me with a needle and took out 75cc of fluid from my breast.

I now know that in an hour I can walk for four miles. I wanted to push myself a bit and the stalker bunnies gave me their approval. I walked with my stalker bunnies through Bremen Street park and part of the green way connector. The connector is before wood island T stop. It seemed as the Trains were moving and moving very frequently. I assume they are getting busy, which is good.

Besides the bunnies, I was taking in birds, flowers, and trying to take in the air and just be.

5k = Graduation Day for WB4U Run

5k = Graduation Day for WB4U Run

Thursday in the City

Thursday in the City