Walk/Run Track Tuesday

Walk/Run Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Monday was another wash out day. It rained all day. Hence, no running. Plus my body needed to rest after Sunday’s four miler and my pelvic/groin annoyance was acting up. Yesterday I spent some time looking around and calling some Pelvic PT. I’m still continuing my search.

Today, it was raining this morning but I thought, what the heck, I still need to run. I learned from Sunday to ease into it. Walk/run. I put on my running hat and I was out the door. I started off with a walk then run. I would do that until I got to the track. That was for a mile.

Then when I got to the track. I would run the straight-away and walk the curbs. I felt comfortable enough to run one of curbs( there are two on the track) and walk the other. Finally I ran once around the track.

I’m being kind to myself. First mile was a 13 min/mil, second mile -12:15, third mile 11:21, fourth mile 13:34.

I was trying to gauge the pain. It was on the left side in/on my upper thigh then it moved to the center of my pelvic bone. It was better/ manageable, the annoyance. I shouldn’t have that annoyance at all, period.

I’ll be will calling around for more places later today.

4.28 miles, 53:34, 12:31 ave pace.

From the garden to the beach 5k

From the garden to the beach 5k