Puerto Rican Running Jan 4-11, 2022

Puerto Rican Running Jan 4-11, 2022

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Jan 1st, 2022, I ran Lowell’s First Run. I continued my tradition of running the first race of the new year. Jan. 4th I was off to Puerto Rico for a week. My last vacation was in 2011. This one was much needed. Granted I take trips and go on excursions. I don’t consider running in 50 states a runcation, more of exploration and a trip. I packed my running gear anyway because I knew I would run at some point. I ran under 2 miles in San Sebastian on Saturday. Then 8 miles in San Juan on Sunday and almost three miles in San Juan, on the beach on Monday.

It was so nice to run in January in shorts. San Sebastian was not conductive for running, at least where we stayed. The roads were narrow and windy. No sidewalks. Dogs, fast cars, chickens, and cats were on the road. I did manage, in the early morning to run around our country block.

Sunday in San Juan was a runner’s dream. Because it is a big city, there were runners, walkers, and bikers. Locals and tourist were exercising along the pathways, parks, and around the beaches. From the place we stayed to the fort was 4 miles. I was a running tourist. Monday, our last day, I wanted to run on the beach and soak in the sun and hear the ocean before heading back to Boston.

I ran about 10 miles. We also walked and swam. Still keeping active and going while on vacation. It was good and just about right.

12 degrees = 10k a.m. Boston humpday run

12 degrees = 10k a.m. Boston humpday run

First Monday a.m. run of 2022

First Monday a.m. run of 2022