Sunday 5 miler

Sunday 5 miler

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

I ran 10 miles yesterday. Yeah me! My knee might have been in shock. Afterwards, I felt all the tightness but I was still able to move and not take any aleve. I made sure to elevate and ice my knee when I got home. Normally, Sunday would be a rest day. If I want to run in the Boston Marathon, still deciding, I need to up my mileage and start training. The marathon is in eight weeks. Unlike my last two marathons( Flying Pig and Paris), I trained for 14-16 weeks to get ready. Also, I didn’t have knee or pelvic floor issues. Oh times have changed.

Today, I should do 5 miles. To my surprise, I was able to run it. I took my time. Listening to my body and running slow and steady. I ran around Horn pond, which is a 2 mile loop around the pound. I ran around the pound twice plus a little extra for 5 miles. This morning it was 14 degrees when I ran at 6:30 a.m. The first three miles were fine. The next two, I did walk a bit and then resumed running. My time was slower than it normally would be. I’m going for baseline and gauging how I feel.

It was peaceful out this morning. I saw another woman running but that was it. When I started my second loop around the pond, I saw the dog walkers out with layers on themselves and dogs. I’m hoping this will be the start of a good running week. Monday is an off , rest day.

Spring came to visit for a 5 miler

Spring came to visit for a 5 miler

Saturday 10 miler

Saturday 10 miler