8 miler was really a 10k

8 miler was really a 10k

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Today is Track Tuesday a.m. workout. This is week 4 of a 8 week marathon training program I got online from podium runner. I should do 8 miles = 6 x 20 second strides. That didn’t happen. My first mistake was not eating enough last night. Really not eating the right foods. I felt a bit sluggish this morning. I needed energy and I didn’t have any. SO note to self.

I was chugging along slowly but I was still moving. I started off by running alone the harborwalk before making my way towards the track. The moon was shinning so bright this morning. I need to get use to running in moonlight in the morning.

I slowly made my way to the track. Of course, the track team or soccer team was on the track. I’m not sure which sports team it is. The kids were slowly coming on the track. I kept on running. My energy picked up a bit as I kept on running. The more I ran, more kids kept coming on the track.

The moon started to be faint and the sun was slowly starting to come out. As the sun was coming out the high schools started to work the track. At this point, I ran 5 miles and I was done.

I ran the mile home for a 10k morning. Yes, I was two miles shy on the plan. Thursday I’ll try to make that up.

A week off...back at it...No more play time

A week off...back at it...No more play time

1st Monday of Spring

1st Monday of Spring