I run, the stalker's sleep

I run, the stalker's sleep

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Monday back in Boston again from another trip. This weekend I was in the ATL, to meet up with my Boston girls for a girls weekend. We saw HER and Coldplay in concert, which was amazing. We partied it up with drinks, food, and staying up past 1:30 a.m. Needless to say, my body needs to recover from the festivities.

I slept in today and decided to run later, because this girl needs rest. Instead of a 5 a.m. run, I ran at 7a.m. I forgot that as it gets warmer, the mornings aren’t as cool. It was 68 degrees and muggy out. Note to self: get my ass up and run at 5.

I did a 2 miler around Horn Pond this morning. I wanted to ease into it. After the first 2 miles, it was getting muggy and I was getting hot. The thought of a mile for a 5k did cross my mind but I changed that. Tomorrow I will build up from the 2. I still moved and that is always a win.

Stalker family approved

Stalker family approved

Over cocktailed but still ran

Over cocktailed but still ran