Snowy Track Tuesday

Snowy Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Third Track Tuesday a.m. workout of January. And of course it’s snowy, slushy, and wet outside. The good thing is that it’s warm enough that this stuff won’t stick around. Today is a fun and “ easy” workout. 20-24 , 200s with 45 second break between each one. Trifecta of team Red( Jordan, MB, and Me) is now a duo. Jordan is team Blue. MB has an injury. Right now she is the time, set, and overall track keeper of team Red runs. That means, I’m the chick on the track. Because it’s 200s, many of our Red team went to Blue. Understandable because everyone is moving fast. The good thing, Red was a small group about 5 of us.

Each set of 4 was 200s at 10k pace, 5k pace, 5k pace, 1 mile, then repeat. I know my 5k pace was fast. For 10k, it should have been 1:11 time. I was around a 1:09, 1:10. 5k- 1:09, 1:08; and mile was 1:06.

I think I was holding a 1:03 and 1:04 pace. I realize now I should have broken the 200s in 50s and what my time would be at the 50m mark. Live and learn.

It was still fun. The energy, the community, the vibes are always fabulous. The only snap-fou was accidentally leaving my new pair of Nikes there. I took them off because I brought other shoes and completely forgot about them. Now, eight hours later I realized that I left them at the Reggie. My hope is that some needy kid took them. Now they have a pair of free shoes. I’ll call the Reggie to see if I left them there. Oh Tuesday.

19 degrees on a Thursday morning

19 degrees on a Thursday morning

First 10 miler of 2024

First 10 miler of 2024