19 degrees on a Thursday morning

19 degrees on a Thursday morning

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Spring 2024 academic season has started this week. The first day was Tuesday. My first day of teaching was Wednesday. I have not run at all this week. Today, when it is 19 degrees, I thought I would give a 5k a try. To be honest, layering up was the key. I didn’t feel cold at all.

I might have caught a bit of a head cold. I was coughing and spitting up stuff while I ran. Otherwise the run was good. It’s snowy and icy out. I made sure to run on the streets because they were sand and not icy.

I kept my run local. I around the Hyatt, Shipyard, and Pier’s Park. It was a quiet run. I did see a group of runners, all men, and some random men out running this morning. Where were the ladies this morning?

When it saw ice, I made sure to walk through it. It was a nice morning to run. If I didn’t have to plan for my 7a.m. call with Beverly, I would have kept running. I didn’t leave the house until 6:15a.m. to go running. That was ok. At least I went out running.

3.03 miles; 35:33; 11:44 pace. Slow and steady

Saturdays 5k WinterActive

Saturdays 5k WinterActive

Snowy Track Tuesday

Snowy Track Tuesday