Saturdays 5k WinterActive

Saturdays 5k WinterActive

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Today is the coolest day of the week. 19 degrees out. I debated if I should do a 10miler today or tomorrow? It’s going to be warmer tomorrow. I should still move my body today. Despite the below freezing temps, I ended to move my body. I decided to run a 5k around the Winteractive art display downtown. There are 16-17 public art displays. My goal was to try to see all of them. I saw 7, about half. It was my own scavenger run hunt. Yes, it was super cold but I had some good fun tunes on. I did my own run. 5k; 36:03 miles; 12:00p pace.

I should have had something to cover my mouth because it was windy cold. I needed wool socks. Besides that , I had a good time running.

Hot girl summer in Winter

Hot girl summer in Winter

19 degrees on a Thursday morning

19 degrees on a Thursday morning