Superwoman Turkey Trot

Superwoman Turkey Trot

The way I like to start Thanksgiving, which is now a tradition is the Franklin Park 5k Turkey Trot with my #girlgang. Normally I don’t get dressed up to run, thou I do appreciate people that do. This is the only time, race, and people that I will get dressed up to run. Last year we dressed up as “Where’s Waldo”. The year before that it was Emojis, and before that we were turkey themed out. This year, we were Superwoman. I’m now thinking we should have done wonder woman or Wakanda women( That will be 2020 theme).

Of the day started off wet and rainy. The race didn’t start until 9 but around 5 a.m. the downpours were coming down hard. Close to nine it stopped. Over 1,000 people ran this 5k. There were dogs, little kids, kids in strollers, and runners.

What I loved about the #girlgang was the variety of Superwoman/supergirl outfits we had on. Some had on tutus, wore wigs, had capes, tights, and so much more. Loved it.

This was my slowest 5k because of the runner’s knee. I made it up those Franklin Park Hills, ughs. This will be my last race until state #47 in April. Not sure if it was the cold weather, plus arthritis, and doing PT the day before which made the run slower. This was something that I just couldn’t miss or not due.

Bonus reward, we won the best group costume award, two years in a row now. This might have been our largest BGR group with over 21 ladies that signed up to run/walk and dress up.

To add to the great Turkey gift, the rain had stopped then the sun came out and stayed for a while before leaving us.

This was the way to start off Turkey Day

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