I don't do the rain

I don't do the rain

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

10k a.m. humpday! Of course there is a slight drizzle in the air but that doesn’t matter. I’m going forward with my goal of a 10k a.m. humpday run. As long as the drizzle is light, it would be a good run. The 55 degrees and darkness before 6 a.m. is now routine. I didn’t have a plan or direction where to run. I started to run on Mass Ave and I just kept on going. Mass Ave was very busy at 6a.m. People taking the T, driving, and walking. The closer I got to the Cambridge end of Mass Ave, I saw the runners, along the Mass Ave Bridge.

As I was getting my groove and stride, I saw the Trump sticker on the Memorial Bridge sign. Sigh. I thought about how this same time next week we won’t know who the next president will be. I thought about this year that is just not ending. Then I thought about the joy and peace I’m getting from running. I’m enjoying myself. That is something I must always hold onto and enjoy. My brain, spirit, and body need a happy .

When I went made a U-Turn to run back into Boston, I clocked up 4.39 miles. The rain started to come down hard. I had under 2 miles to go but I opted not to do it. That’s ok but I wanted to get ready to teach and not get sick.

art, nature, halloween, and civil liberities

art, nature, halloween, and civil liberities

Fallen Leaves

Fallen Leaves