Fallen Leaves

Fallen Leaves

COVID-19, ‘The Rona Era”

The last Track Tuesday of the month. This same time next week will be election day. I know for a fact that I will be running in the morning before I vote.

Today is about track running. This morning I didn’t leave the house until 6:17a.m to go run. I was up at 5 a.m. I had to do work before I left. The hour of working and writing motivated me to get it done so I could go out and run.

Since day lights savings time will end soon, it was still dark after 6 a.m. Since I wasn’t sure of the weather, I put on my long running pants , a hat, and my headlight. My clothing attire was just right for the morning.

I’m so glad there street lights were on because it was dark, especially as I ran through the park to get to East Boston Stadium. I was the only person wearing reflective gear in the dark. I would see the silhouette of people walking or running but they were in darkness.

The only other “light” I saw was a dog that had a reflective collar but his owner was all in the dark..

I followed the light path through the park and around the stadium to get to the track. My usual tuesday track peeps were not there. There was one other person running on the track besides me. I will note that the stadium lights were not on and it was pretty dark.

I ran my 6 laps on the track with a bunch of fallen leaves which had lay claim to the track. As it got lighter I did see more people, come onto the track.

I did my mile to the track, two miles on the track, and mile home. After I came home I did 30 mins of Strength training with Chloe Ting. Working on strength and endurance to get ready for 2021.

I don't do the rain

I don't do the rain

Skeleton Interruption

Skeleton Interruption