Catching the Moon

Catching the Moon

COVID-19 , “ The Rona Era”

It’s Track Tuesday and getting up at 5:30 a.m. was not happening. Monday was a long and hard day. 14 hours of just “go”. I managed to get up at 5:55a.m. so I could leave the house before 6a.m. Shoes, headlight, mask, headphones, check.

I’ve been doing a shred challenge to work on my endurance and stamina and I could feel the difference this morning on my run. I ran two miles than 1 mile on the track and a mile home. On my two mile warm up I saw a mural of birds and whales. The whales were swimming in the city of Boston. Hey, no questions or judgement here. As I kept running the moon kept shinning and following me with the obstruction of clouds like yesterday.

There were more people on the track than last time. All new people to people. The later in the morning 6/6:30 more people came out and the soccer time were all on the field stretching out.

I even walked up stadium steps to get my body a different kind of physical motion.

4 miles of moonlight, track, sweat, murals, and fall foliage for Tuesday

Running into the Sun

Running into the Sun

Monday's Moon

Monday's Moon