Monday's Moon

Monday's Moon

Covid-19 “The Rona Era”

It’s a new week and a new day. The first full week of October starts today. I know I need to get moving and have my morning run time because my day is going to be long and work intense. My goal is to start the week with 4 miles. Now in this process of being followed by the moon, I forgot to hit unpause on my Map my run app. I had to have a moon reflective moment. When I realized this and un paused the app, my final mileage was 2.61. I know for a fact I ran over a 5k. I will make it an even 5k for augment sake.

It was good to run in the quiet of the morning. I passed by many of the construction workers getting ready to work. There were some that were just hanging out, eating, and sleeping in their cars before the started work.

Since it was so early, I had on my headlight and reflective vest as well.

Doing my best to transition into the fall a.m. Monday. I will admit, I had a work free, exploring the fall foliage kind of weekend. I had those thoughts while running with the moon this morning.

Catching the Moon

Catching the Moon

Saturday's Power Walk/Run

Saturday's Power Walk/Run