Last Saturday , November 2020

Last Saturday , November 2020

COVID-19, “The Rona”

November has been a month full of extra surprises and challenges. From the presidential election, finding out about Furloughs on my campus, health issues, community actions and empowerment, birthdays, stolen items, computer finally getting fixed, Thanksgiving, and Turkey Trots. That is just the start.

For this last Saturday, I wanted to take in the sand and the air of the ocean and run on Revere Beach. It was pleasant enough that I decided to run on the beach itself not on the boardwalk of the beach. The motivation for a long run was not in me. What was my hurry, what was the rush? I ran 3.15 miles and I just took it in. Took in the seagulls and the sounds to think , reflect, and breathe.

I did some running/walking. Sometimes I just have to take a moment. That is what I did. Afterward I did 30 minutes with Chloe Ting.

3.15 mile: 36 minutes/ 11:28min/mil:

Bye N'ber

Bye N'ber

Franklin Park 5k Turkey Trot

Franklin Park 5k Turkey Trot