Monday Running Grind

Monday Running Grind

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Sunday was a rest day. I didn’t run but I worked out with Chloe Ting for 30 minutes of a Free body shred workout. Monday I was rested and ready to run. Since today is “ warm” , I needed to get outside and run before the second Nor’easter comes. My original plan was to run along the Charles Esplande and by Rudolph who is lit up on the river. As I started to run, I saw the Rudolph all lit up. As soon as I was close enough for a picture, the lights went off…Noooooo. I saw him in a distance as I was running. I guess I need to run faster or get up earlier before the lights go off. Ugh.

Minor disappointment but I kept on running. I wasn’t sure if I would be warm enough while running but I was. I ran with my headlight, running lights, and two layers of upper body wear, hat, and gloves. Running along Storrow drive there is always lights from the cars going by the lights from the park. I was alone and I felt safe and good. My stride was good. I was running around a 9:58 min/mil. As dark moved to light, I saw more people running. A lot of people. The Cambridge runners all came out. Runners were in groups of twos, threes. I still had no idea where they came from . My stride was keeping pace with them.

I hate that I didn’t properly plan out a route. I started at the Museum of Science, around the Charles River, crossing the Mass Ave bridge, and running along Storrow drive ended up being 4.77 miles. I should have pushed it to 5 miles. I wanted to drive to get my oil change and be ready for a student meeting. Could I have still done those things and run for .23 miles more miles.

Living, learning, and adding miles to the pavement

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More than a 10k a.m. humpday

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