Last Conditioning Club for the month

Last Conditioning Club for the month

Today is the last Thursday of January and I’m going to Conditioning Club at the Cal-Zone. There were 10 stations and we were at station for 40 seconds and went four rounds of this. Since I’m not running and I’m working on healing I can still do some strength training and body conditioning. There were eight of us on the rotation. I loved seeing the ladies and catching up with all of them. Today was extra special because my friend Ann showed up. I haven’t seen her assets in a year. That was fun. What I appreciate is that we are all in the struggle, sweat, laughter, and toughness together.

Earlier that morning I went to Physical Therapy but it wasn’t the same as going to the Cal-Zone. In a sense, the work we did was physical therapy for me and the knee.

Until next month



Working on the come back

Working on the come back