Strides, hills, and ashes

Strides, hills, and ashes

It is 44 degrees out and the rain is coming down hard. There is no end insight of it. I’m glad this is a treadmill Thursday. Yet, again for three treadmill Thursday in a row, the morning weather has been crappy. I was up and out and the second person at the Heartbreaker Studio in Cambridge. It was good to see familiar faces and faces from track Tuesday that showed up.

As now my normal, I made sure to do my stretching for knees and overall body. Because I just rolled out of bed( I brushed my teeth), my ashes from Ash Wednesday was still on my head. This was going to be a holy blessed run :). As it got slower to start time, the studio got packed. There were only two empty treadmills and I noticed the only guy, I think his name was Kerry who was in the room( besides coach steve).

Today we worked on strides and hills. At we warmed up, we started off the bat with a 30 second, speed level 4 which equals cranking my fast pace to 7.0 on the treadmill.

In the 45 minutes of running and doing 3.85 miles, I was able to keep my endurance. The adjusting of hills, flats, speed, and rest, I know was great for my knee. I’ll be able to be up to 10k in a week or so.

I am still knee and body mindful at 8:30 I was going to PT. After our 40 minutes, we did 5 minutes of core and thighs.

Thank you! :)

5k for the last day

5k for the last day

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Fat Tuesday = Track Tuesday